Create Scarsdale's Flag!
In celebration of our Scarsdale Unsealed feature, we thank everyone who joined our flag contest. Our sponsor CandyRox is a mom & pop candy store in Bronxville which produces wonderful gift baskets for graduations, Easter and all life's special occasions. The winners are:
Brooke Goldstein, 13
Inspired by Tudor style buildings and homes in the village. Also, the pattern of the wood beams reminds me of branches of a tree. Scarsdale is sometimes called "the village in a park" because of our beautiful trees. I chose maroon and white because they are the colors of the Scarsdale Raiders.

Spencer Ahn, 15
The colors red and white are the Scarsdale school colors, and the yellow symbol in the middle of my flag is from the flag of Derbyshire, England. The ancestral home of Caleb Heathcote, the founder of Scarsdale. The flag itself is also loosely based on Derbyshire's flag.

While you're here, discover Scardale.
Eretz Yisrael * Just A Footbridge * Scarsdale Memorial Garden * A Heritage Of Trees * Thunderbolt Town * George Field Park * Residents Passed