Scarsdale Secrets will periodically publish vignettes dedicated to the Village's wonderful and sometimes quirky history, including some hidden gems. We hope you find our discoveries as interesting as we do. In the process, we hope to increase your interest in our community, and spotlight the valuable resources we rely on for our research.
Scarsdale Secrets is researched, written and produced by Jennifer and Lee Fischman, with occasional help from their sons.
Jennifer and her mother, Sheila Stone, provide two generations of real estate experience and expertise in Scarsdale and neighboring communities. Jennifer also has over twenty years of experience as a transactional corporate attorney. She grew up in Scarsdale and is raising her family here. If you are planning to buy or sell your home, work with us and see the difference this sort of experience really makes.
If you would like to suggest an idea to us, please do! Reach us by clicking on the Contact button at the bottom of this page.
Meanwhile, enjoy Scarsdale Secrets!
Check out our feature articles
Scarsdale Unsealed Eretz Yisrael Just A Footbridge Scarsdale Memorial Garden A Heritage Of Trees Thunderbolt Town George Field Park Residents Passed
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